Meet Our Instructors

  • Blanquita

    Blanquita is a registered nurse who has a driving passion for health, nutrition, strength training, essential oils, and women’s health.
    You will know her by her brilliant smile and boundless energy that radiates with positivity.
    Blanquita is leading our Women’s Health Symposiums and has blessed us with her unique understanding of essential oils, where she uses them to their fullest potential.

  • Carrie

    Carrie has been teaching Yoga since 2004, specializing in Kundalini Yoga, she has also trained to become a Reiki master, worked with Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and meditation.
    Her passion for plants and gardening brought her in to share with others the joy that comes with growing your own food and becoming one with nature.
    If you hear laughing from the garden, or echoing from the Yoga studio, that’s her. Pop in and say hello.

  • Jeanette

    Jeanette specializes in life coaching and personal training. Her years of nutrition have deemed her Queen of the Power Smoothie.
    Jeanette is teaching an amazing Strength and Spirit class this season. It is sure to tone your body and strengthen your heart. Thank you, Jeanette, for the wisdom you impart to us every day in your wonderfully uplifting way.

  • Dash

    Dash is a musician and songwriter who has touched the heart of Texas. He has been performing since 2017, and often plays our Good Energy Ranch Full Moon venues. You can also hear him playing in Southtown and throughout the Hill Country.
    We are blessed to have Dash teaching our Beginning Guitar Class. His kind energy and fun-loving spirit make it a joy to learn with him.